November 2020 Update on WB16 South Africa

Countries of the World Benchrest Shooting Federation

 Greetings to you all from South Africa.

 I trust all are still healthy and doing well.

 As indicated in our previous update of 25 September 2020, it was agreed that we will make a final decision in November 2020, on the hosting date of WBC16.

 We have deliberately waited until the end of November 2020 to evaluate the Covid-19 situation here in South Africa as well as in the rest of the world.

Currently, the situation in South Africa has not improved as we hoped for and the daily Covid-19 infection rate is still as high as what it was in September 2020. In certain of our provinces the infection rates are now even higher than what were experienced in September 2020. The rate of fatalities in our country is thankfully down which we attribute to improved medical knowledge on how to treat the illness. South Africa is currently still in lockdown, although a large number of restrictions were lifted to allow our bruised economy some opportunity to recover.

Our international borders were opened a week ago with strict conditions for entry. Visitors from a number of countries with high infection rates are however still barred from visiting South Africa.

Looking at the rest of the world, we are of the opinion that it the situation has also not really improved. The talks of an effective vaccine are very positive and wonderful news, but indications are that the vaccines will only become available later in 2021. The most positive indications are that vaccines will be freely available by mid-2021. Best guess of availability in Africa and in particular South Africa is later than that.

Our medical experts are of the opinion that, based on the current situation in the world and the available information, Covid-19 will be a thread to us all until at best late in 2021. We have also approached our national sports authorities on the hosting prospects of WBC16 and their advice is to postpone the event until after 2021. They foresee that the current restrictions on sporting events will remain in place until late, if not the end of 2021. That implies that if any person is tested positive at the event planned for September 2021, the event will be cancelled with immediate effect.

Based on the above, the organising team of WBC16, in consultation with the South African Benchrest Shooting Federation has therefore decided to not take any risk with the health and wellbeing of our competitors and to cancel the WBC16 event planned for September 2021. If the WBC management is in agreement that the event remain in South Africa, the event would be postponed until September 2023. We propose the September date as it appears to suit most competitors.

We trust that the above will be to the agreement of the WBC management and the delegates of the participating WBC countries.

We are indeed living in unfamiliar times.

Best regards

Kobus Visser (Pr Eng

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Update on WB16 South Africa

Countries of the World Benchrest Shooting Federation

Greetings to you all from South Africa.

I really trust that all are healthy and doing great.

I am sending you this email to update you on the planning of WBC16 (2021).

WBC16 was originally planned to take place in April 2021at the Riebeek Castle Shooting Range near Cape Town. Needless to say, Covid-19 has to date resulted in a much bigger than anticipated impact on our country and the rest of the world. South Africa has been in various stages of lockdown since March 2020. After deliberation with François Luciani and Graham Smith earlier this year, it was decided to postpone WBC16 until September 2021. This would give us some time to see where Covid-19 takes us. Unfortunately, September is not always the best time of the year for shooting in the Cape Town area as this is the infamous south-eastern wind time. Luckily,… or not, we will all be subjected to the same weather conditions. Due to the unpredictable and ongoing nature of the Covid pandemic, our agreement with the WBC management is that we will evaluate the pandemic situation in Nov/Dec 2020 and then make a final decision on the scheduling of the event. 

In order to tie in with the planned scheduling of all the WBC events, we have two options regarding hosting dates of WBC16. Either we confirm our decision to schedule the event for September 2021,….or the event will be postponed to April or September 2023 in South Africa. This decision will be based, firstly and most importantly, on the anticipated safety of the competitors. It must be safe and possible to travel internationally to start with. Furthermore, we want to be as certain as possible that the pandemic will be under control in our country and in the rest of the world. We are all aware that the virus is more severe on the not so young. As a few of our competitors from over the world unfortunately falls in this category, we cannot and will not take any risk with the health of anybody. It is doubtful that the pandemic will be over soon, therefore we believe there must be an effective vaccine in place before we would expect participants to travel to South Africa. Regardless of the optimism in the world to have a vaccine ready soon, we will have to wait and see.  

Currently, our borders are still closed, and only selective air travel is possible. The booking of accommodation and venues for sports events is still not possible. Currently all overseas visitors must go through a screening, testing and isolation process on arrival. No formal shootings competitions are allowed and no gatherings of more than 50 persons are allowed. We also have a curfew in place from 22h00 to 04h00. We really hope this will end at some stage.

Secondly, we need to give the participating countries enough time to prepare and go through their respecting team qualification and selection processes. There must also be enough time to plan and book the trips to South Africa, apply for VISA’s etc. Our government departments have started to open but work with minimum staff, so everything takes much longer. Some guidance on the preparation time required from the participating countries in this regard will be welcomed.

Our shooting ranges were closed for nearly six months during the lockdown period and so we have missed out on some of our important competitions for qualifying. We therefore also need to decide on the way forward.   

Regarding the range improvements, we were interrupted by the lockdown period, but all are still on track.

We, in consultation with the WBC management, plan to send out a questionnaire in November 2020, to determine what the situations in the various countries are in order to make a final decision on the scheduling of the WBC16 event.

Hope this will give some guidance on our logic with the planning of WBC16.

Look after yourselves.


Kobus Visser (Pr Eng)

ERO Engineers (Pty) Ltd

P.O. Box 4344

Durbanville (South Africa)


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Resultat Abusdal 05.09.2020

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Sæfsen SM 2020


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Informasjon GF 2019

I kveld vil alle klubbledere i NBSF, slik det er registert i SPOND, motta informasjon om kommende Generalforsamling i forbundet. Der ligger det link etc. til hvordan dere logger inn på møtet og annen informasjon dere vil trenge til møtet.
Dersom noen klubber av en aller annen årsak ikke mottar denne informasjon, kontakt forbundet snarest på
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NM F-Class, UNL500 & BR50 HOBK 2020



NM 2020 UNL KL 1

NM 2020 UNL KL 2

NM 2020 BR50 HV


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Oppdatert Terminliste 13.08.2020

Terminliste 2020_Rev_F

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SM 2020


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Resultat NM BR 2020

NM HV100 2020

NM HV200 2020

NM HV 2020_Grand agg

NM UNL500 Klasse 1

NM UNL500 Klasse 2


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Oppdatert Terminliste 22.06.2020

Terminliste 2020_Rev_E

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Elektronisk Generalforsamling, torsdag 27-august 2020

Norges Benkskytterforbund ønsker velkommen til elektronisk Generalforsamling, torsdag 27-august 2020 Kl. 19:00

1.Konstituering av Generalforsamling.
2.Valg av møteleder og referent.
3.Godkjenning av innkalling og dagsorden.
4.Valg av to medlemmer til å signere protokollen.
5.Gjennomgang og godkjenning av styrets årsberetning.
6.Fastsette medlemskontingent og startkontingent.
7.Gjennomgang og godkjenning av regnskap i revidert stand.
8.Behandle budsjett og arbeidsprogram.
9.Behandle innkomne saker og forslag, herunder straffesaker.

Årsmøtet vil behandle de saker som ble sendt inn til årsmøtet tidligere i år, men som ble avlyst grunnet Covid-19.

Info ang Generalforsamling og stemmeberettigede:
Generalforsamlingen utgjøres av NBSF styre og de fremmøtte klubbers representanter. Alle medlemmer som har betalt sin årskontingent for foregående år (for regnskapsåret som behandles av generalforsamlingen) har møte- og talerett. Stemmeberettigede representanter til generalforsamling er alle klubber som er medlem i NBSF. Hver klubb får 1 stemme for hvert 10. medlem i klubben. En klubb har maksimalt 5 stemmer.

Hver klubbformann vil i god tid før generalforsamlingen motta en link til bruk for oppkobling, og mest sannsynlig gjøres et testmøte for å se at alt fungerer som det skal. Mer informasjon om dette kommer god tid i forkant av dette møtet.

Linken betinger bruk av TEAMS som plattform for bruk av videooppkobling. Hver klubb kobler seg derfor opp med én bruker, der flere kan være samlet i et og samme rom.

Materiale til årets Generalforsamling er lagt ut på forbundets hjemmeside,

Vel møtt til NBSF første elektroniske GF !
Med vennlig hilsen
Styret i Norges Benkskytterforbund

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Invitasjon Nidaros NM HV/UNL/100/200 og UNL500

Nidaros Benkskytterklubb ønsker velkommen til NM BR HV

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WBC RF 2020 Avlyst/utsatt

Dear Delegates,

I have been waiting and hoping until the very last moment, before announcing that unfortunately we have to cancel our 4th Rimfire World Championships.
There are several reasons for this :

  1. Our Ministry of Sports strongly recommended doing so, because at this date, we are not sure that the Covid-19 situation will be under control until September 2020. Although here in Luxembourg, our government is starting a tentative exit from the lockdown next week, we cannot completely exclude the possibility of a second wave of infections, with people becoming less cautious and thus taking more risks. This would mean a second lockdown for a period including most certainly September.
  1. Since our RWC4 were supposed to take place in Volmerange/France, we are obliged to also respect the French rules of confinement, and the French Shooting Federation (FFTIR) clearly prohibited all competitions for the current shooting season 2019-2020 (à
  1. Considering that the Corona-crisis did not start simultaneously in every country, it is legitimate to suppose that, for the same reason, not every country will have surmounted this crisis at the same date: USA, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Russia, South Africa…etc. will probably have to face it for a bit longer and therefore not being able to travel around in September. It goes without saying that as a logic implication, the attendance to our RWC4 would be rather poor and not worthy a World Championship.

For all these reasons, we have decided to postpone our Rimfire W.C. to 2022, thus respecting a 2-years rhythm, also because 2021 is already scheduled for the Benchrest Centrefire World Championships as well as for the WRABF World Championships. (The exact dates will be communicated in due course)

Best regards and stay safe,
François Luciani

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Oppdatert Terminliste 24.04.2020

Terminliste 2020_Rev_D

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EBC 2020 Avlyst


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WBSF Rimfire Rulebook Update

WBSF Rimfire RULEBOOK (score)updateversion6

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Generalforsamling tirsdag 17/3/2020 AVLYST !!!

Generalforsamling tirsdag 17/3/2020 AVLYST !!!
Som tidligere annonsert er GF opprinnelig satt til å bli arrangert tirsdag neste uke. Med noen tekniske begrensinger så må dette begrenes til at klubbene samler seg for deltagelse, men sett i lys av siste tids utvikling er Styret i NBSF av den formening at vi ikke kan oppfordre folk til å samle seg i felles lokaler for å avholde GF.
På denne bakgrunn har et enstemmig styre i NBSF i dag besluttet at vi utsetter GF inntil videre, og vil annonsere denne på nytt når råd fra lokale og nasjonale myndigheter tillater så.
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Oppdatert Terminliste 17.04.2020

Terminliste 2020_Rev_C

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Info om EM Italia 2020

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Protokoll Generalforsamling 2019 NBSF

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